The LTDA says that Uber taxis like this are unlawfully plying for hire

A significant number of Uber drivers licensed by Knowsley BC are known to operate exclusively or mainly in Manchester. In March this year, Knowsley BC passed a resolution amending its ‘Drivers Policy’ so as to include an ‘intended use policy’ that requires drivers who obtain their licences in Knowsley to operate predominantly in Knowsley. Uber, together with Delta Merseyside Limited, have brought a judicial review of that resolution on the ground that the council is not empowered to insist that its licensed PHV drivers operate within Knowsley, predominantly or otherwise. The governing legislation (LGMPA 1976) does not limit the geographical area in which a licensed PHV driver may operate.

See: Knowsley Judicial Review

If you are a PHV driver who is worried about territorial restrictions on your licence please telephone 020 7353 8415

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